Thursday, December 18, 2008

4 years ago today.

13 years ago, I met him. He was quiet, played golf and liked to wear shoes.

I let him kiss me and be my boyfriend anyways.

We fell completely in love.

He asked me to marry him.
(I said yes.)

It was a fabulous evening of dancing, drinking, chinese food and poker.

Complete bliss.

4 years have passed, and we've had laughing, and crying, and houses, and overdraft fees, and vacations, and surprises, and promotions, and babies.

Lots of babies.

And I am so very lucky he still lets me love him.

Because Lord, I am a fool for this man.


Anonymous said...

Awww, sooooo sweet. I absolutely love your wit but I also enjoy the sweet sentiments about your hubby and kids! Blessings to you and your family this Christmas!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

That was AWESOME. i'm such a fan of you and yours...

Any shots of your wedding night?

Sorry...I would not have been keeping it real if I didnt ask.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! What a lovely tribute to a beautiful marriage.

Emily said...

Happy anniversary!


Awww.... Happy Anniversary!

Emily said...

Awww, congrats you guys!

Daffodil Campbell said...

Happy Anniversary ! Maybe one of these years you can celebrate for realz - you know, not pregnant or sleep deprived from night feedings.

Keep on keepin on ! Just think of the announcement in the local paper in 46 years. Sweet.

Laura said...

Happy Anniversary!

The Rambler said...

Happy Anniversary! I just had mine yesterday :) 3 years....but only one child to show for it, for now.

Hope you guys have a great day!

Miss Britt said...

Awwww - that is so damn sweet.

You guys look so young in those pictures!!

Chat Blanc said...

Wishing you a fabulous anniversary! Here's to many, many more years of love. cheers! :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely expression!

Regardez Moi said...

Oh man. You made me cry. This was one of the sweetest thing's I've ever read.

DKC said...

So great. And look how cute you guys are!!

Have a wonderful anniversary!

AJ said...

Very sweet post! Happy Anniversary!

December weddings are the coolest:) Did you have a Christmas theme, too?

I have to ask...was it a Catholic wedding? We got married in a Catholic church, and I had wanted a Christmas wedding for as long as I could remember. I had Dec. 16th all picked out, but I asked for the date, and they told me they didn't do weddings during Advent or Lent. I called a lot of Catholic churches and got mostly the same answer. They ended up letting us do it Dec. 2, which was the last possible second before the first mass of the Advent season.

Texasholly said...

This was the sweetest ever. I am tearing up. crap. now I have to blow my nose.

Happy Anniversary!

Shelly... said...

Congrats! And thanks for sharing the pictures with us! You guys are a cute family.

Stacey said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Very cute entry!

Ali said...

Those pregnancy hormones are really kicking in--you're getting all soft on us! Happy anniversary you guys!

kel said...

I"m not gonna lie. You almost made me tear up, which would have been a disaster since I've just finished applying my make-up for work. Watch it, sister!

April said...

aw, happy anniversary :-)

here's to good marriages and lots of babies!!!

jill jill bo bill said...

I love that you are totally smitten with him. Wonderful pictures! You are gorgeous!

Spryte said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I think I posted a blank comment. Please don't take that the wrong way. I was just practicing because I wanted to be sure to say just the right thing. They say you should never congratulate a bride, so congratulations to your husband for snagging you!

Anonymous said...

I think I posted a blank comment. Please don't take that the wrong way. I was just practicing because I wanted to be sure to say just the right thing. They say you should never congratulate a bride, so congratulations to your husband for snagging you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You have made it longer than 99% of all celebrity marriages (feel accomplished yet? lol)

Meredith said...

Mazeltov! I love to hear about people who are happily married...rare breed.

Angie's Spot said...

Very touching! Happy Anniversary to you love birds!

Jennifer said...

You have a beautiful family!

Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finding your better half. A good man is what it's all about and makes the journey a beautiful thing. Especially with kids.

Love the wedding pics and the lovey words coming from you.

Can't wait to read the anniversary celebration post...

J.L. Danger said...

congrats! Ours is coming up too. Almost a year!

Lizzie said...

You have what everyone only hopes for... congrats and here's to the next 40!

Tenakim said...

How sweet! You guys didn't date for a while, did ya- geez? 9 years? Happy anniversary!!!

The Mom Jen said...

Aw what a sweet tribute to your man!! It's the extra girl hormones I know it!! Waiting on a money shot today! Good luck. And, Happy Anniversary sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Aww...adorable! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

AWWWWW...ain't it great to be in love with your husband!

Anonymous said...

Aww so sweet, happy anniversary!

Aracely said...

This just makes me want to live next door to you guys... I'd make a better neighbor than loud Mustang guy.

Happy Anniversary.

Aracely said...

This just makes me want to live next door to you guys... I'd make a better neighbor than loud Mustang guy.

Happy Anniversary.

Diane said...

Happy Anniversary!

Where can I get one?

Cathy said...

aww.. this was so sweet!

Happy Anniversary!! We just had our first last month...

Thistlemoon said...

That is a beautiful dedication! Happy Anniversary sweetie. Here's to a long and happy life together!

Marie said...

Awww so sweet! Happy Anniversary!!

Allison said...

Cool. Now Laef is going to wonder where his homage is.

But, seriously. Precious.

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

Nice to see your soft side. Happy Anniversary!But I love your twisted dark side too.

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Awwwwwww!!! This post made me smile a big, huge smile!!!

Aria said...

Happy Anniversary! Yay to you both, cause I know they say parenting is the hardest job ever, but it's total crap; marriage is. God Bless! (Yes, Annelle, I pray!)

Brittany said...

Aw. You guys are so cute. Happy Anniversary (smoochiversary?)

Casey said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! YAY FOR TV's! Wait.. no?! Computers! still no?

HE better got you something "ballin" :)

Kat said...

Good to know that I'm not the only crazy person out there. We've been married 3 years on December 7th and I'm still just as twitterpated with him now as I was then.

Congrats to you both!

Yellow Beads said...


Amanda said...

Sweet.... Happy Anniv.
Hope you had a great one!

Swirl Girl said...

Whatta cutie pie! And so is your baby!

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

What a great post - congrats on your anniversary :)

Jenni said...

Happy Anniversary, you two crazy kids!

Jennifer said...

What a nice tribute and you are a cute family!

Rachel said...

Awwww so adorable.
Happy anniversary! Great pictures and sweet tribute.

Brittany said...

THANKS EVERYONE! Seriously, I love the notes from you all!

And AJ, due to Advent, we, too, were banned from a Catholic church wedding, but my hubby is Lutheran, so we had a candlelight evening wedding in his Lutheran church with both his pastor AND my priest officiating. We did the counseling through both churches.

And, to clarify that i am a weirdo, yes, I dress my boys identically, no they are not twins, they are 11 months apart. They will hate me soon enough, but until that day comes, identical clothing it is.

LiteralDan said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys look really happy together, and since you're already tipping the scales towards being together longer than not, I imagine you're stay that happy for many years to come.

Don't feel so bad about the identical clothing-- at least you don't have three kids all dressed identically, though they're about 6 years apart in total.

Actually, I should ask-- you don't plan to put all three in the same dresses once the girl is born, do you?

Not Just Any Jen said...

You two are so cute, and so is that little (or big?) family of yours. Congratulations. I love the picture of you two kissing at you wedding.

You are beautiful!

Sam_I_am said...

Awwww. That made me start to cry. My wedding is in 7(!) months. I loved that last picture.

Tiff said...

This was to cute!! Happy Late Anniversary!!! :)

Lamb said...

shit. ive "known" you for 4 years then.

angel winged flower girls!!

Jenners said...

You are a lucky woman and he is a lucky man! It makes me happy to hear about a married couple that are actually in love! Happy Anniversary!

Aubrey said...

I knew there was a little sap in ya! Such a sweet post!
Happy Anniversary! I'm sure he's a fool for you too!

hippos toes said...

Beautiful pics and such heartfelt sentiments. Happy Anniversary!!

Practically Joe said...

Hmmmm ... Only thirteen years of overdraft fees?
Try 36 years of overdraft fees!
Great job guys.
Keep up the good work.
oh ... you just made me think of this ...
My wife is always on my back!
For our 13th wedding anniversary ... I had her name tattooed on my back.
True story.

Mama said...

Congratulations! What a sweet post.

Sue Wilkey said...

LOL- i get those "nice to see your soft side" comments too. :P We must sound like some badass beeyotches.

Happy Anniversary - that was a beautiful post.

Momisodes said...

Happy Anniversary! I just love the wedding pics. They're simply beautiful.

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, so sweet! A wedding of dancing, drinking, chinese food and poker-- that sounds like my kind of wedding.

Happy Anniversary- hope date night was fun!

Vodka Mom said...

That was lovely. Enjoy it while you can!!! (Was that cynical?? I'm not sure......)

Haasiegirl said...

Man, wasnt it four years when it all went wrong over here? JUST KIDDING! Been married 7.5 and loving almost every minute.

Nice to see you are as well.



Anonymous said...

I completely and totally am jealous of your little love story. You lucky girl, you.

Anissa Mayhew said...

I am so grossly behind, you need to come and slap the crap out of me when you post something this AWWWW and I don't comment...because it means I missed it and that's all your fault.

Congrats on the memories and the beautiful love story. Ya'll are awesome.