Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beans don't burn on the grill...

Woot! Just going to give a big 'ole shoutout to alltop.com. Thanks for featuring me at http://humor.alltop.com/ . If you haven't been there, you should check it out, it's brilliant....and not just because I am featured there...although that helps...I apparently have an ego issue, folks...and it likes to be stroked...what can I say.

Big head aside, this website is a collection of feeds from the tops sites in loads of catagories. You can go there to track down your favorites, and even fancy some new ones as well.

Thanks alltop.com, for helping me move on up, and spreading my blog love in a fancy tricked out techie way that I, in no way, fully understand.


Heather said...

Yay on you, Brittany! You are indeed funny, and you kick all the ass that can't be waxed.

Natalie said...

way to go brittany. to go from being stalked by a john tesh groupie to purchasing plastic birds to scare away the real birds to featured on alltop...well i couldn't be prouder!

Thistlemoon said...

Well deserved my friend! See, I knew what I was talking about way back then! Don't forget about us little people!

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Congrats on the feature! You certainly deserve it!